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Oh, Pardon Me... (An online costume, 2021)
...My screen must have been... frozen.

For the Halibut (2023)
Ask me why I'm sitting in this boat.
Gratuitous Violins (2022)
An endless cycle, plus one beauow.

A Responsible Adult (2020)
Definitely not three kids in a trench coat. I'd like three tickets to the R-rated movie, please. I mean, one. One ticket. I'm definitely an entire person.
Gratuitous Violins (2022)
An endless cycle, plus one beauow.

Elefino (2018)
What do you get when you cross an elephant and a rhino?

A Jolly Holiday (2017)
Ernie and Bert decided to dress up together this year.

Chapter 11: Amalek Awakens (2016)
For Purim 5776 I gave myself a writing assignment, a further writing assignment, and a package of metallic Crayolas. Behold the next chapter of the Book of Esther (complete with study guide).

The Wall (2015)
An interactive, community-effort costume.

It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time (2019)
With a baseball bat.

Who, Me? (2013)
No canaries to see here.

Tachana Merkazit (2012)
A pun that amuses exactly one person.

Lost Ark (2011)
Inspired by a certain church basement (fire axe included).
Fancy Mixed Nuts (2010)
Would you like some?

Second Prize (2009)
Every science fair needs one.

Grad Student (2008)
This is the fanciest outfit I could afford.

The 7 Extension (2007)
Most frequently asked question:
"Why aren't you running on weekends?!"

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